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How does REGYSTRD work?

REGYSTRD pulls your order history through API and/or through file upload. Using just an order number and an email, customers can then register their purchases, and then make claims against covered SKUs from those orders. Sellers can have those claims be automatically processed(through 'policies'), or they can manually review them. Approved claims generate fulfillment order requests that can be sent to a 3PL (e.g. Amazon FBA)

How can REGYSTRD make my life easier?

With REGYSTRD, your customers can make their own claims, subject to the terms and conditions that you set. You can opt to have those claims automatically processed(by policy) or you can manually review them. Claim review is streamlined because you can see a customer's order, return, refund, and claim history at a glance. And with just a couple of clicks, REGYSTRD can send fulfillment requests to your 3PL. Time is money. and REGYSTRD saves you on both.

What is SKU mapping?

SKU mapping is at the heart of REGYSTRD. First, you indicate which of your SKUs is covered by warranty. Then you specify which SKUs can be sued to satisfy a claim. Old SKUs can be mapped to Active SKUs, bundled SKUs can be mapped to their component SKUs, and SKUs can be mapped to part SKUs. Between mapping, terms and conditions, and policies, REGYSTRD will prevent anyone from claiming more than they should.

How long does onboarding take?

It depends mainly on the the number of SKUs covered by your warranty, whether or not those SKUs are bundles or have parts, and how many covered SKUs have been replaced by new SKUs. Onboarding for a basic implementation - with no historical, bundle or part mapping - can take as little as 20 minutes.

I don't have a Warranty Program yet. Can I still used REGYSTRD?

Yes. And we think you won't find a better solution to get one started than with REGYSTRD. With REGYSTRD, you're in full control, unless you don't want to be, in which case you can set up a low-maintenance auto-mated warranty system. Dip your toes into the world of Warranty Marketing.

I already have a Warranty Program. How can I transition to REGYSTRD?

Yes. And the only thing you'll have to do differently from a seller starting a new program is to upload your prior registrations. Additionally - though not required - you can upload your claim history.

Does REGYSTRD offer a free trial?

Yes. All customers may enjoy the first 30 days of REGYSTRD for free. This gives you time to ensure a tight configuration and for you to familiarize yourself with this powerful system.

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